FI-TECH results!

The frontierCities2 Consortium would like to thank all the applicants for their interest and work carried during the preparation of the fC2 FI-TECH Call proposal.


Out of the 136 proposals received, 14 applicants were invited to a video interview, which became the second round of the evaluation process. Following a thorough analysis of the proposals and interview feedback received from the interview panel, the fC2 Selection Board shortlisted 8 FI-TECH applicants who have been invited to the contracting phase.

Our warmest congratulations to Ateknea Solution Europe, InNET Monitoring AG, Sparsity S.L, Aniar Cumhacht Teoranta, Ciclogreen SL, ENCO S.R.L, Alma Digit S.R.L, and Espacio Disjunto S.L.U!